Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nothing to do tonight in the office,
bored and having headache...
Decided to answer some online quizzes.
Your Bedroom Personality: Healthy

In the bedroom, you are open, honest, and giving.
You are the ideal partner in many ways! Anyone is lucky to be with you.

You see physical intimacy as an opportunity to grow and connect. You are up for experimentation, but you don't require it.

Your Feng Shui is Amazing

Your home is the perfect place to work, play, and unwind.
Beautiful and streamlined - you understand the importance of design and flow.

Your home is not weighted down by clutter, but it's not austere or sterile.
You treat your home as well, and as a result, it treats you well!
He is a Man

You have yourself a perfect gentleman and a total keeper
Your guy almost always acts appropriately
He's probably even very upstanding when you're not around
There's no boy left in your boyfriend - he's all man!

He Loves You For You

When it comes to your body, your guy hardly notices
It's nothing to do with the way you look...
He's just has really fallen for you

But make sure to stay sexy - keep the chemistry going strong!

You Have Him Totally Hooked

Your guy is all yours - and happily so.

He loves being around you, and he totally sees you as a couple.
It looks like you two have a great future together - if you want it!

You Are Not a Gold Digger

You go out of your way to take care of everything in your life.
Including money - which you've got plenty of, thank you very much.

And you have no intentions of being a trophy girlfriend for some bald guy.
Just make sure that hottie you met isn't scheming to be your boy toy!

As a successful woman like you knows, gold digging goes both ways these days.

You are Totally Realistic

"Romance" means you're about to roll your eyes
Seriously, you can do without the sap or drama
Save it for someone who has nothing really going on in their relationship

For you, love is real - and easily integrated into your life
You don't need candles, flowers, or chocolates to know he's the one
Just some stimulating conversation... and maybe a great smile.

He's a Great Boyfriend

You guy definitely loves you and knows how to treat you right.
You have a five star boyfriend - so make sure you treat him right too!

He's A Keeper!

Your guy is a rare find: sweet, kind, and loyal.
And as long as he doesn't have three nipples,
You should seriously consider keeping him a long time

Sometimes a girl can't see a good thing when she's got one
So let me tell you: your guy is a gold medal boyfriend
Just make sure you treat him right in return!

What You Know About Your Guy: A Fair Amount

You know enough about your guy to keep dating him.But you don't know enough to decide if he's the one
If you've been dating for less than six months, give it time
Otherwise, he might be hiding a secret side of himself!

Your EQ is 133
You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
You are warm and open. Even when life gets you down, you're unafraid of the world and its challenges.

You are comfortable with who you are. And you accept your weaknesses - as well as the weaknesses of others.

While you are quite stable, you don't respond perfectly to every bad situation that comes up.
But you have enough emotional intelligence to know when you need a course correction.

Your True Love Will Find You
When it comes to love (and life), you totally put yourself out there.
It's very easy for you to find love - and for love to find you.

The best part is, you're never even actively looking to meet someone.
You're just out there so much that love always seems to come your way.

It's 60% Love and 40% Lust

You and your guy are hot for one another, but you've also got a bit of a love thing going on.

You Are a Friendly Flirt!

You are quite the flirt, but you don't flirt with just anyone.
And you hardly ever get caught, because your flirting seems so friendly.

You've got a good thing going. Tons of friends, both guys and girls.
And if you do decide to flirt, hardly anyone's the wiser. Pretty trick!

You Are a Fun Girl!

You are all about having fun - and you don't need to drink to have a good time
Sure, you've thrown back more than a few every so often

But getting totally stupid and wasted is not your style
You're the life of the party, by keeping everyone laughing and smiling

Your Love Type: ESFP

The Performer

In love, you relish every moment and tend to get caught up in passion.
For you, sex is how you get in touch with all your senses.

Overall, you are creative, popular, and flexible.
However, you tend to dislike criticism and avoid any conflict.

Best matches: ISTJ or ISFJ

You Don't Hold a Grudge

You're willing to give almost anyone a second chance, even if they've really wronged you.

Incredibly forgiving and compassionate, you understand that people sometimes change for the better.

There's a Chance You Could Be Violent

Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions.

Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act.

Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage.

You Follow Your Head

You're rational, collected, and logical.
Generally, it takes you quite a while to fall in love.In fact, you've even been accused of being very picky.While you're cool, you're not ice cold.

You just know what you want, and don't mind
waiting to get it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Within the Torn City network there is something for everyone. May it be organising a bank hold-up with your friends, playing poker to fulfilling a loving relationship. Torncity really does make all other gangster roleplay games look bad, this isn't your average neopets. The list below is a snippet of the content featured in the game. By signing up to this excellent online browser game for free, you will have access to all of this great content plus regular updates.

No resets - Active players will never ever be deleted, train your stats knowing they will never be lost!
No cost - Torn City will always be completely free and will continue to be the best crime RPG for years to come!
Community - Come, meet, and socialize with hundreds of players in Torn City's large and vibrant forums and IRC community!
Crimes - Go make some cash or cause a little terror by committing one of over 50 crimes with hundreds of outcomes!
Attack - Got a problem with another player? Go and show them who's boss by attacking, mugging, or hospitalizing them!
Factions - Create or join one of Torn City's hundreds of factions, socialize, war and commit organized crimes together!
Items - Own hundreds of items, sell them, use them. Ranging from Chocolate bars, to AK-47s!
Stocks - Invest in a realistic stock market and watch your money rise!
Jail - When you fail a crime, you may end up in the Torn Jail. Bust or Buy other people out of jail!
Hospital - View the unlucky ones, hospitalized by other players! You should watch out for yourself and keep your friends close!
Gyms - Become one of Torn City's strongest by training your defence, dexterity, speed, and strength in one of Torn City's gyms!
Missions - Complete missions as you level up to earn extra game areas, items and cash!
Race track - Buy a car and greatly modify them for use on the race track against other players!
Marriage - Find a sweetheart and propose to marry them. Enjoy the benefits of marriage like shared housing!
Drugs - Feel the positive and negative effects as you experiment with one of the many drugs available on Torn City!
Jobs - Try your hand at one of 6 Torn City jobs, and see what it's like to be a doctor, in the army, a lawyer, and more!
Companies - Start one of 36 companies and hire other players to work for you, from Hair Salon to Oil refinery!
Education - With dozens of education courses, pick one and become smarter, improve your work skills!
Casino - Lady Luck in your corner? Find out by playing one of our casino games!
Poker - Lose your money against up to 8 other players in Texas Hold'em!
Russian Roulette - Six shots, one bullet and a load of cash. Win big or shoot your foot trying in Foot Russian Roulette!
Markets - Become an integral part of, the Torn City economy by buying and selling goods in the markets or auction house!
Loan - Save your money or get a loan through Torn City's banking and loan sharking financial services!
Bank - Invest your hard earned cash in an investment account over a period of time!
Shops - Look around the Torn City Shopping malls and buy Weapons, Armour and Items!
Virus - Program viruses, copy them to disks and sell them to players... Or use them yourself to complete virus crimes!
Newspaper - Read the Torn City Times, here you will find the latest game events and stories!
Properties - Save your money and move into bigger and fancier digs. With 14 beautiful houses to choose from!
Travelling - Travel to 9 sunny and interesting destinations and experience the services, shopping, and cultures of the world!
Hunting - Head to South Africa at level 15 and do a little hunting!
Hall of fame - Rise through the ranks of Torn City and be recognized as the best of the best in the Torn City Hall of Fame!
Contests - Come on out and show your talents as you compete to win valuable Torn City prizes in one of the many contests!
Awards - Earn distinguished awards for accomplishing one of the many tasks in Torn City!
Always running - Torn City is always running and you will be able to access your account from the web anywhere in the world!
Original - Torn City is like no other online web game in the world! It runs on its own gaming engine.
Servers - This online text based role play game runs on a number of powerful servers, lag is always at a minimal!
Staff - Need help with anything? Torn City has a great group of staff members who will happily assist you!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Controversial Song

"Gloomy Sunday" is a song composed by Hungarian pianist and composer Rezső Seress in 1933 to a Hungarian poem written by László Jávor (original Hungarian title of both song and poem "Szomorú vasárnap" (Hungarian pronunciation: somoruː ˈvɒʃaːrnɒp]), in which the singer mourns the untimely death of a lover and contemplates suicide.

Though recorded and performed by many singers, "Gloomy Sunday" is closely associated with Billie Holiday, who scored a hit version of the song in 1941. Due to unsubstantiated urban legends about its inspiring hundreds of suicides, "Gloomy Sunday" was dubbed the "Hungarian suicide song" in the United States. Seress did commit suicide in 1968, but most other rumors of the song being banned from radio, or sparking suicides, are unsubstantiated, and were partly propagated as a deliberate marketing campaign.[1] Possibly due to the context of the Second World War, Billie Holiday's version was, however, banned by the BBC.[2]

The Literal English Translation:

Gloomy Sunday

Gloomy Sunday with a hundred white flowers
I was waiting for you my dearest with a prayer
A Sunday morning, chasing after my dream
The carriage of my sorrow returned to me without you
It is since then that my Sundays have been forever sad
Tears my only drink, the sorrow my bread...

Gloomy Sunday..



, a false aphrodisiac, merely lowers inhibitions and raises the level of one's irrationality. Even worse, booze and other party drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy (MDMA) contribute to erectile dysfunction, according to Karen Boyle, director of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery unit at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore: "These drugs effect blood flow by their actions on arteries and veins and [negatively] impact testosterone levels, and thus libido." A few drinks are fine, but relying on alcohol to get in the mood could be a sign of a deeper problem.


Nope, but so what. Chocolate has phenylethylamine and serotonin, two chemicals that light up pleasure areas in the brain. Chocolate is similar to sex in that it makes you feel good. This doesn't imply, and no studies have shown that chocolate increases sexual desire. Hershey's Kisses might lead to kisses, but the passion was likely firmly in place beforehand


osterone levels in one study on male rats, which could in theory increase libido, according to KaMany foods (bananas, asparagus, carrots, avocados) are considered aphrodisiacs because they resemble the penis or testicles. Oysters resemble a vagina. The Romans placed the oyster high on their list of prized aphrodisiacs. Casanova, the legend goes, would eat 50 raw oysters for breakfast. Yet interestingly, oysters (and pine nuts, another ancient aphrodisiac) are high in zinc, which is necessary for sperm production. Raw oysters are also high in D-aspartic acid and N-methyl-D-aspartate, which increased testren Boyle of Johns Hopkins Hospital. "The data is questionable and mixed, but oysters do make a nice appetizer," she said.

Getting In Shape

As reported by Johns Hopkins researchers two weeks ago in the American Journal of Medicine, erectile dysfunction is highly correlated with poor physical health and inactivity. More than 50 percent of subjects with diabetes and 44 percent of those with high blood pressure had trouble achieving an erection either "sometimes" or "always." Ditto for the 26 percent of subjects who reported such sedentary behavior as watching three or more hours of television per day. Those who are fit tend to have more self-confidence, too. "Being in shape, eating healthfully, not smoking and not drinking are all ways to prevent obesity, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, peripheral vascular disease and hypercholesterolemia - - things that significantly impact blood flow," said Dr. Karen Boyle of Johns Hopkins Hospital. "I counsel all of my patients about making these lifestyle changes for 'penile health.'"

Remember that only way to true happiness is to live in the moment and not be worried about the future.

At one point of our lives we make mistakes, there's nothing wrong with that as long as you do something to correct it.

Meet someone you thought could give you more happiness till you wake up one day and hurt. Yes the care and respect is there till it'll come to the point you'd be willing to barter what you have. Willing to risk , willing to let go for something we thought is love. Realize its not, its stupidity.

Stick to someone you know you'd be happy the rest of your life. Someone you're comfortable to be with & makes you feel you're home. They're the ones who never left you alone, and will never make you feel alone, the kind that will adore you forever :).

That person feels what you feel within without you saying it, he will see it through your eyes. The connection of your soul, the connection of your heart.

If I can't have him for long? I'd be more than willing to spend another lifetime with him.

He couldn't wait,
we both couldn't wait.

Soulmates -
A match
made in heaven

“There is a special bond between twin soul mates--unconditional love, respect for each other, bringing out the best in each other, and highly compatible.”

“When my grandmother was alive, she used to tell me that every time God creates a soul in heaven, he creates another to be its special mate. And that once we're born we begin to search for our soul mate, the one person who's the perfect fit for our mi”

Girls can be real mean bitch, they fake orgasms & relationships

I hate the world today , Your so good to me, I know But I cant change
Tried to tell you but you looked at me like maybe Im an angel underneath, Innocent and sweet

So take me as I am, This may mean youll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that when I start to make you nervous,
And Im going to extremes

Tomorrow I will change, And today wont mean a thing

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sex and The City

Really love these girls.
Miranda, Carrie, Samantha and Charlotte - they're the main characters of Sex and The City

1. It’s Okay to Be Single.
2. Sex Can Be Healthy.

3. Test the Waters Before Marriage.
4. You Can Score Outside of Your League.

5. Don’t Change Who You Are.

Sex and the City, the hit HBO comedy, is not just about sex. The serial reveals flaws in relationships and makes sarcastic jibes at the sacrosanct. While being funny, Sex and the City quotes ridicule revered concepts such as marriage and monogamy.

Their Famous Qoutes:

Samantha: Anything else around here need milking?

Carrie: Are we simply romantically challenged, or are we sluts?

Miranda: Do any of you have a completely unremarkable friend or maybe a houseplant I could go to dinner with on Saturday night?

Carrie: Have you?
Mr. Big: Have I what?
Carrie: Ever been in love.
Mr Big: Absofuckinglutely.

Samantha (upon seeing a firefighter): Hello, 911. I'm on fire.

Charlotte: How can you forget a guy you've slept with?

Carrie: How does that work? You go to bed one night, wake up the next morning, and poof - you're a lesbian?

Samantha: I have a date with a dildo.

Samantha: I think I have monogamy. I caught it from you.

Samantha: If we could perpetually do blowjobs to every guy on earth, we would own the world. And at the same time have our hands free.

Samantha: I'm a trisexual. I'll try anything once.

Samantha: Last night I could not stop thinking about a Big Mac. I finally had to get dressed, go out and pick up a guy

Carrie: Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.

Carrie: Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them.

Samantha: Men aren't that complicated. They're kind of like plants.

Charlotte: My vagina's depressed.

Carrie: So what are we going to do? Sit around bars, sipping Cosmos and sleeping with strangers when we're eighty?.

Samantha (to her male intern): The bad news is you're fired. The good news is now I can fuck you.

Samantha: There isn't enough wall space in New York City to hang all of my exes. Let me tell you, a lot of them were hung.

Carrie (to Samantha): This past week I've seen Miranda's boobs and Charlotte's boob. Why don't you show me your boobs too and the circle is full?

Charlotte: Trey, I am tired of being married to your penis.

Samantha: What am I supposed to say? "Hi, this is my lesbian lover. And p.s.: I'm done with dick"?

Samantha: Women are for friendship, men are for fucking.

Charlotte: You dated Mr. Big. I'm dating Mr. Too Big.

Miranda (to a heckling construction worker): You got what I want? You got what I need? What I WANT... is to GET LAID. What I NEED... is to GET LAID. I NEED to GET LAID.

Samantha: You men have no idea what we're dealing with down there. Teeth placement, and jaw stress, and suction, and gag reflex, and all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and trying to breathe through our noses. Easy? Honey, they don't call it a job for nothin'.

Sex and the City Test

Charlotte York

You are most like Charlotte York, classy and elegant. If you were a precious stone you would be a pearl - crisp, clean, and timeless. You desire to be in love, be in a relationship, start a family; in fact, you have it all pretty much planned out already. Your caring, gentle nature carries through everything you do and anyone who meets you can sense how optimistic you are about life. So put on your best pastel (yet oh so chic) outfit, get ready to show off your Park Avenue lifestyle, and meet

You Are Most Like Samantha!

For you, dating is the ultimate sport

You're into guys with power, looks, or a lot of money.

You rather have a great two weeks than a great forever.

But even you fall victim to love from time to time. :-)

Romantic prediction: You'll find love in the next few months...

But you'll be the last one to realize it.

All About Houses & Ideas

It's a nice day to paddle,

Sitting in a 38-meter sea
Kayak and watching
a four-meter great white shark
approach you is
a fairly intense experience

Long Bridge


with me,


Emotionally Disturbing

Never make them suffer again,
They are angels.
They're innocent and..
It was never their fault.