Sunday, September 13, 2009

Remember that only way to true happiness is to live in the moment and not be worried about the future.

At one point of our lives we make mistakes, there's nothing wrong with that as long as you do something to correct it.

Meet someone you thought could give you more happiness till you wake up one day and hurt. Yes the care and respect is there till it'll come to the point you'd be willing to barter what you have. Willing to risk , willing to let go for something we thought is love. Realize its not, its stupidity.

Stick to someone you know you'd be happy the rest of your life. Someone you're comfortable to be with & makes you feel you're home. They're the ones who never left you alone, and will never make you feel alone, the kind that will adore you forever :).

That person feels what you feel within without you saying it, he will see it through your eyes. The connection of your soul, the connection of your heart.

If I can't have him for long? I'd be more than willing to spend another lifetime with him.

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