Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nothing to do tonight in the office,
bored and having headache...
Decided to answer some online quizzes.
Your Bedroom Personality: Healthy

In the bedroom, you are open, honest, and giving.
You are the ideal partner in many ways! Anyone is lucky to be with you.

You see physical intimacy as an opportunity to grow and connect. You are up for experimentation, but you don't require it.

Your Feng Shui is Amazing

Your home is the perfect place to work, play, and unwind.
Beautiful and streamlined - you understand the importance of design and flow.

Your home is not weighted down by clutter, but it's not austere or sterile.
You treat your home as well, and as a result, it treats you well!
He is a Man

You have yourself a perfect gentleman and a total keeper
Your guy almost always acts appropriately
He's probably even very upstanding when you're not around
There's no boy left in your boyfriend - he's all man!

He Loves You For You

When it comes to your body, your guy hardly notices
It's nothing to do with the way you look...
He's just has really fallen for you

But make sure to stay sexy - keep the chemistry going strong!

You Have Him Totally Hooked

Your guy is all yours - and happily so.

He loves being around you, and he totally sees you as a couple.
It looks like you two have a great future together - if you want it!

You Are Not a Gold Digger

You go out of your way to take care of everything in your life.
Including money - which you've got plenty of, thank you very much.

And you have no intentions of being a trophy girlfriend for some bald guy.
Just make sure that hottie you met isn't scheming to be your boy toy!

As a successful woman like you knows, gold digging goes both ways these days.

You are Totally Realistic

"Romance" means you're about to roll your eyes
Seriously, you can do without the sap or drama
Save it for someone who has nothing really going on in their relationship

For you, love is real - and easily integrated into your life
You don't need candles, flowers, or chocolates to know he's the one
Just some stimulating conversation... and maybe a great smile.

He's a Great Boyfriend

You guy definitely loves you and knows how to treat you right.
You have a five star boyfriend - so make sure you treat him right too!

He's A Keeper!

Your guy is a rare find: sweet, kind, and loyal.
And as long as he doesn't have three nipples,
You should seriously consider keeping him a long time

Sometimes a girl can't see a good thing when she's got one
So let me tell you: your guy is a gold medal boyfriend
Just make sure you treat him right in return!

What You Know About Your Guy: A Fair Amount

You know enough about your guy to keep dating him.But you don't know enough to decide if he's the one
If you've been dating for less than six months, give it time
Otherwise, he might be hiding a secret side of himself!

Your EQ is 133
You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
You are warm and open. Even when life gets you down, you're unafraid of the world and its challenges.

You are comfortable with who you are. And you accept your weaknesses - as well as the weaknesses of others.

While you are quite stable, you don't respond perfectly to every bad situation that comes up.
But you have enough emotional intelligence to know when you need a course correction.

Your True Love Will Find You
When it comes to love (and life), you totally put yourself out there.
It's very easy for you to find love - and for love to find you.

The best part is, you're never even actively looking to meet someone.
You're just out there so much that love always seems to come your way.

It's 60% Love and 40% Lust

You and your guy are hot for one another, but you've also got a bit of a love thing going on.

You Are a Friendly Flirt!

You are quite the flirt, but you don't flirt with just anyone.
And you hardly ever get caught, because your flirting seems so friendly.

You've got a good thing going. Tons of friends, both guys and girls.
And if you do decide to flirt, hardly anyone's the wiser. Pretty trick!

You Are a Fun Girl!

You are all about having fun - and you don't need to drink to have a good time
Sure, you've thrown back more than a few every so often

But getting totally stupid and wasted is not your style
You're the life of the party, by keeping everyone laughing and smiling

Your Love Type: ESFP

The Performer

In love, you relish every moment and tend to get caught up in passion.
For you, sex is how you get in touch with all your senses.

Overall, you are creative, popular, and flexible.
However, you tend to dislike criticism and avoid any conflict.

Best matches: ISTJ or ISFJ

You Don't Hold a Grudge

You're willing to give almost anyone a second chance, even if they've really wronged you.

Incredibly forgiving and compassionate, you understand that people sometimes change for the better.

There's a Chance You Could Be Violent

Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions.

Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act.

Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage.

You Follow Your Head

You're rational, collected, and logical.
Generally, it takes you quite a while to fall in love.In fact, you've even been accused of being very picky.While you're cool, you're not ice cold.

You just know what you want, and don't mind
waiting to get it.

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